2023년 2월 3일 금요일

인공 눈물 사용한 뒤 1명 사망,최소 3명 실명

 처방전 없이 판매하는 인공 눈물(artificial tears)을 사용한 뒤 1명 사망, 최소 3명 실명

인도에 본사를 둔 글로벌 파마 헬스케어의 EzriCare Artificial Tears제품이 대부분의

항생제에 내성이 있는 박테리아인 Pseudomonas aeruginosa에 오염 가능성이 제기돼

판매중인 제품을 회수하고 있다

Eye Drops Are Recalled After Being Linked to Vision Loss and 1 Death

The maker of EzriCare Artificial Tears said it was recalling the eye drops after U.S. health authorities linked the product to a drug-resistant bacteria strain.

Eyedrops feared to be contaminated with a bacterial superbug are thought to have killed at least one person and caused blindness in several more.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an urgent warning over EzriCare Artificial Tears, a popular over-the-counter drug sold across the US.

They are believed to be at the center of 50 eye infections across 11 states between last May and this January, including one that was fatal and several more that caused 'permanent blindness'.

All patients were infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - a drug-resistant bacterial strain that usually spreads in hospitals. 

CDC investigators found all of the patients had used EzriCare Artificial Tears before they fell ill, and they are now probing whether the products were contaminated

The CDC has linked 50 cases of bacterial infection across 11 states to EzriCare Artificial Tears (pictured). Multiple patients have gone blind and at least one person has died

CDC says

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) — The type of bacteria involved is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It can be found in our environment – like in water and soil. But it’s well-known to cause infections in people in healthcare settings. Particularly folks who’ve had surgery, are using a catheter or a breathing machine.

However, recently, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been linked to Artificial Tears eye drops. Over 50 infections have been reported across 11 states. Eleven people were diagnosed with eye infections, and three are permanently blind in one eye. Some of the patients were hospitalized, and sadly one person died of a bloodstream infection.

So, what brand of artificial tears was involved? Well, many of the people said they used the brand called “EzriCare”. And while CDC testing is still ongoing, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was identified in open EzriCare bottles.

Why would this happen?

Well, EzriCare eye drops are preservative-free. This means that the product contains zero ingredients that keep bacteria from growing. We don’t know yet if the bacteria developed once the bottles were open or if the products were contaminated while being manufactured. So it’s important that anyone who’s bought EzriCare Artificial Tears to stop using this product immediately until the CDC investigation has been completed.

Pseudomonas bacteria are always finding new ways to sidestep antibiotics. In fact, these germs make enzymes called carbapenemases that actually break down antibiotics. And unfortunately, they’re even showing resistance to an antibiotic drug called carbapenem that’s reserved to treat complicated multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. This is why in 2017, over 2,700 deaths were reported due to this germ.

As for symptoms, watch out for the following:

  • eye pain or discomfort
  • swelling, redness or inflammation
  • discharge from the eye and
  • changes in vision like blurry vision or light sensitivity

If your eye condition worsens or persists, then please seek medical help. Even though Pseudomonas bacterial infections are becoming difficult to treat, healthcare providers will still collect a specimen. They’ll test any bacteria that are present against a set of antibiotics. And this will help determine which are active against the germ and help guide the treatment plan.

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