2023년 6월 30일 금요일

고맙다 친구야!



찾아 주는 친구가
있어서 좋다.

값비싼 음식 찾지 않고
순대국이나 칼국수에
소주 한 잔 마시며

지난 이야기하는 친구가
있어서 좋다.

서로의 이름 부르며
좋은 말,
나쁜 말,
서슴없이 해도

허물없는 농담
한 마디로 넘겨주는
친구가 있어서 좋다

나이 들어서 반말할 수 있는
친구가 있어 좋고
가끔 음담패설 들려주어
웃음 짓게 하는 친구가 있어 좋다

뼈마디 아프다고
어느 병실에 누워있는 친구,
함께 병문안 갈 수 있는
친구가 있어 좋다

산길 걸으며
"우리 나이에 이렇게 산행하는 것도 복이야"
서로 위로하며

함께 걷는 말동무,
길동무 친구가 있어 나는 좋다.

친구가 있어서 좋다!

- 좋은글 中에서 -


🐷7월의 재물이 들어오는 10가지 꿈🐷


🐷7월의 재물이 들어오는 10가지 꿈🐷

복이 굴러들어오는 꿈을 꾸고도 아무 행동을
하지 않으면 복이 오다가도 나가게 될터인데요!
우리에게 재물을 안겨주는 꿈들이 있다고 합니다
아래 10가지 꿈에 대해 꼭 확인하시고 기억하셔서
아래 꿈들을 꾸시면 바로 복권방으로 달려가세요!

①. 돼지를 잡거나 가져오는 꿈

돼지는 다산과 풍요를 상징한다고 하는데요.
성장이 빨라서 쑥쑥 자라나는 돼지는 사업이
융성하게 되거나 재물이 번창하는 것을
상징한다고 합니다.
때문에 꿈에서 돼지를 쫓아내거나 돼지가
사라지는 꿈은 들어오려는 재물을 잃게 될 수도
있음을 뜻하고 반대로 돼지를 잡거나 가져오는 꿈은
재물이나 이권을 획득하는 꿈이라고 합니다.

②. 똥과 관련된 꿈

꿈에 관련된 꿈은 배설행위라는 점에서
주목하셔야 합니다. 정신적 억압으로부터의 해방,
소원을 이루게 됨을 뜻한다고 합니다.
좋은 똥 꿈으로는 똥을 온 몸에 뒤집어 쓰거나 깊이
빠진다거나 밟는 꿈, 옷에 묻히는 꿈 등이 있습니다.
하지만 화장실이 지저분하거나, 문이 잠겨 있어서
일을 치를 수 없었던 꿈은 하고자 하는 일이
잘 되지 않을 것을 의미한다고 합니다.

③. 돌아가신 조상님이 나오는 꿈

조상이나 돌아가신 부모님이 꿈 속에 나타났을 때는
얼굴 표정에 따라 해석이 달라진다고 하는데요.
밝은 표정이라면 좋은 일이 있을 것을
예지해주는 뜻이고 반대로 어둡거나 근심스러운
표정이라면 안 좋은일이 일어날 것이라는 뜻입니다.

④. 아기 낳는 꿈

아기 낳는 꿈은 새로운 생명이 탄생한다는 뜻에서
권리나 이권 획득, 재물 횡재 등으로 해석을 하는데요.
쌍둥이 일수록 크게 이루어지고 아기가 건강하고
좋아 보일수록 좋은 재물운이 크다고 합니다.

⑤. 대통령 및 귀인이 나타나는 꿈

대통령이나 귀인을 만나게되는 꿈은 길몽에 속하는데요.
통치자나 귀인의 은덕을 입게 될 수도 있다고 하여
악수를 하거나, 훈장이나 명함을 받는 꿈, 차 대접이나
함께 식사를 하는 꿈 등이 해당된다고 합니다.

⑥. 불이 활활 거리며 타는 꿈

불길이 얼마나 치솟냐에 따라, 번창하고 번성하며,
새로 일어나는 확장, 발전을 의미한다고 하는데요.
이는 돼지꿈과도 유사하다고 합니다.

⑦. 돈, 동물, 재물을 얻는 꿈

돈이나 동물, 재물, 귀한 물건들을 얻는 꿈을 꾸었다면
실제로도 큰 재물을 얻는다고 하는데요.
하지만 너무 적은 액수의 돈을 줍는 꿈은
불만족으로 인해 재물이 나갈수도 있다고 합니다.

⑧. 죽거나 시체가 나오는 꿈

죽게 되는 꿈은 재생, 부활, 새로운 세계로
나아간다는 것을 뜻한다고 하는데요.
자신이 죽는 꿈은 지금의 상황에서 벗어나
새로운 삶이 열린다는 뜻으로 새로운 인생길, 전환점이
되어 새로운 세상으로 나간다는 뜻이라고 합니다.

⑨. 아름답고 풍요로운 꿈

꿈에서 밝고 아름답고 풍요로움이 가득함을 느꼈다면
현실에서도 느낄 수 있게 됨을 뜻한다고 하는데요.
이는 승진이나, 합격, 소망 성취, 명예,
재물 획득 등을 이룰 수 있다고 합니다.

⑩. 동물, 곤충, 식물에 관련된 꿈

물고기는 재물을 상징한다고 하는데요.
때문에 물고기를 잡는 꿈은 재물을 얻는 꿈이라 하고
동물을 죽이는 꿈은 제압, 정복의 의미라고 합니다.
이에 관련된 꿈으로는 내 주머니로 뱀이나 지내가
들어오는 꿈, 강에서 물고기 때가 몰려오는 꿈 등이
해당된다고 합니다.



6월 마지막 날이네요 새로운 7월을 기대합니다

 아쉽지만 6월을

보내야 할 시간입니다.

새로운 만남은
우리를 설레게 하고
그 설레임은 또
삶의 활력소가 되는것 같습니다.

무더위가 시작되지만
뜻깊은 마무리하시고

건강 지키시면서
7월에도 힘내세요~^^

I got laid off at Google and it broke my heart because the company had become my life. Here are 3 things I learned about defining myself based on my job.


A headshot of Sylvia Duran Chen smiling while wearing a black top and standing in front of a purple background.
"I felt appreciated and valued by Google. Everything became tied to the company for me — my friendships, experiences, and values," Sylvia Duran Chen said. 
Courtesy of Sylvia Duran Chen
  • Sylvia Duran Chen was shocked to be laid off from her YouTube job after almost nine years at Google.
  • The job perks and mission mattered to her, and she'd felt proud to have been chosen by Google.
  • She allowed herself a week to grieve, then realized that her job couldn't be what defined her.
  • This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Sylvia Duren Chen, a 39-year-old former Google and YouTube employee from San Diego. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

    I had been with Google for almost nine years when I was laid off on January 20. I spent eight of those years at YouTube, primarily working from the world headquarters in San Bruno, California.

    Over those years, I worked in operations, partnerships, and marketing and was deeply invested in YouTube's culture. I saw the company grow in size, complexity, and significance.

    I could never imagine leaving Google — especially YouTube

    Both of my parents are from Mexico, and neither graduated high school. I was the first in my family to go to college, and I attended Cornell University before studying at Columbia Law School.

    Although I had a successful career, with stints at Nike and McKinsey & Company, landing a job at Google felt like winning the lottery. The company culture felt special, one of a kind, and truly connected to a mission bigger than ourselves.

    The perks were a fun talking point, but the founders' commitment to transparency with employees and making the impossible possible made Google a place to belong rather than simply a workplace. I felt lucky and proud to be a Googler.

    Like many other Googlers, Google became my life

    I felt appreciated and valued by Google. Everything became tied to the company for me — my friendships, experiences, and values. The boundary between work and life was incredibly blurry, but I welcomed this. I was part of the nerds, the game changers, and the tech elite.

    I felt cocooned in a protective shell from the outside world, where I had always felt not good enough. I went all in. I raised my hand for the hard jobs and did it with a smile.

    I worked as a chief of staff to YouTube's head of global operations

    I also served as a general manager for YouTube Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    I leaned into being a persistent and positive contributor to our Google community. I was repeatedly identified as "top talent" and given opportunities to grow as a leader.

    This made the layoffs all the more devastating and shocking.

    When the layoffs happened, I allowed myself a week of grieving time

    I felt rejected, ashamed, and like all my insecurities had been proven correct. Most painfully, I felt that everything I'd done hadn't mattered.

    Do I belong here? Am I good enough? Am I taking up too much space? Who am I to ask for things? These feelings were always inside me, but I'd shoved them aside because Google had chosen me. Clearly, I mattered, because this important and powerful company said I did.

    I knew this was something I needed to come to grips with.

    Three days after being laid off, I recorded what would become the first episode of my podcast

    I know my journey isn't unique and that disappointment, pain, and questioning our self-worth is part of the human experience. Knowing this didn't make my individual process easier — but I realized that saying some of these things out loud made it less scary for me.

    I talked about being laid off by Google and the raw insecurities it laid bare. I had never shared these feelings before, and suddenly I was going to share them with complete strangers — that's what heartbreak did to me.

    Five months after my layoff, I realized three things.

    1. There's a part of me that'll always go all in

    I believe in trying my best, delivering excellence, and investing in the communities I'm a part of. So, whatever my next job is, this is who I'll continue to be.

    But going forward, I'll challenge myself to do it from a place of love and appreciation for the people I work alongside, not from a place of fear, where I'm constantly trying to prove my worth.

    2. Being great at my job can't be the primary way I define who I am

    I've always known this on some level — but truly internalizing it is another thing. Besides whatever professional role I may play, I'm also a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an auntie, and a friend. These meaningful roles require that I invest in my health.

    It's hard to have it all, but I genuinely realized after my layoff that I really didn't have anything if I didn't invest in my mental and physical health.

    3. None of us are alone

    This is such a beautiful part of life. I'm deeply grateful for my family and friends who continue showing up for me and reminding me that I'm more than my LinkedIn profile or the accolades I've accumulated.

    Those accomplishments do mean something to me — they're evidence that you can come from humble beginnings and be in the same room as a trailblazer like Susan Wojcicki. I'm proud of the leaps I've made for my family in a single generation, but I'm equally proud of my deep friendships, of the way I treat people, and that I start every day feeling optimistic and excited for the challenges ahead.

    I'm not ready to say that being laid off was a gift. But I will say that it's resulted in unexpected blessings that have accelerated my understanding of whom I want to be.

애리조나에는 물이 부족합니다. 빅 테크 데이터 센터가 부분적으로 책임이 있습니다.


Sun City, Arizona.

애리조나에 물이 부족합니다.

케이티 홉스 주지사는 지하수 부족으로 인해 피닉스 지역과 그 주변의 건설을 제한할 계획입니다.

이 지역에는 물을 많이 사용하는 여러 데이터 센터가 있습니다. 구글은 또 다른 대규모 프로젝트를 계획하고 있습니다.

저는 1990년대 초 애리조나에서 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 눈을 감으면 여자 친구(지금은 아내)가 하프탑을 입고 피닉스 동쪽의 수퍼스티션 산맥을 하이킹하던 모습이 아직도 눈에 선합니다. 

또 하나 기억나는 것은 그 날이 얼마나 덥고 건조했는지입니다. 

그래서 몇 년 후 Google이 피닉스 동쪽의 메사에 대규모 데이터 센터를 계획하고 있다는 소식을 듣고 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 이 계약에 따라 Google은 시설 냉각을 위해 하루에 100만 갤런의 물을 확보할 수 있었고, 프로젝트 목표에 도달하면 하루에 최대 400만 갤런까지 확보할 수 있었습니다. (애리조나 주민들은 하루에 약 146갤런의 물을 사용합니다.) 엄청난 양입니다. 당시 블룸버그의 편집자였던 저는 이 프로젝트에 대해 여기에 글을 썼습니다. 

그 이후로 피닉스 대도시 지역은 지역 주민들에게 "데이터 센터의 목적지"라고 불리고 있습니다. Microsoft는 2021년에 애리조나에 데이터 센터를 열었습니다. 메타는 메사에 시설을 확장하고 있습니다.

이러한 거대한 데이터 센터는 엄청난 양의 물을 사용하는데, 그 이유는 내부의 컴퓨팅 장비가 수많은 YouTube 동영상, Zoom 미팅, 모바일 앱 세션을 처리할 때 매우 뜨거워지기 때문입니다. 장비를 식히기 위해 물을 사용하는 경우가 많습니다. 

Google은 이에 대한 데이터를 공개하기 시작했습니다. 2021년에 Google의 모든 데이터 센터는 43억 4,400만 갤런의 물을 소비했습니다. 그 양이 너무 많아서 구글은 환경 보호의 보루와 비교하여 모든 것을 맥락에 맞추려고 노력했습니다: 골프장. Google은 43억 4,400만 갤런은 미국 남서부에 있는 29개 골프장의 연간 물 사용량과 맞먹는 양이라고 언급했습니다.

다시 애리조나로 돌아와 보겠습니다. 애리조나주는 물이 부족합니다. 몇 주 전, 주지사는 지하수가 현재 건설 속도를 감당할 수 없다는 사실을 발견한 후 피닉스 주변 지역의 건설을 제한하는 계획을 발표했습니다.

여기에는 여러 가지 이유가 있습니다. 하지만 이러한 데이터 센터는 애리조나의 물 부족 문제와 관련이 있습니다. 아직 완공되지 않은 Google의 메사 시설도 여기에 포함되지 않습니다. 따라서 애리조나 주에서 더 많은 물이 곧 빨려나갈 것입니다.

주지사의 새로운 제한은 이미 승인된 수천 건의 개발을 제외하기 때문에 구글이 원한다면 시설을 완공할 수 있을 것입니다. 이에 대해 회사에 문의한 결과 프로젝트는 아직 진행 중이라고 답했습니다. 구글은 "부지 개발 일정이 확정된 것은 아니지만, 비즈니스가 필요로 할 경우 더 확장할 수 있는 옵션을 확보하고 싶다"고 밝혔습니다. 

거대 기술 기업이 사막 한가운데에 데이터 센터를 짓는 이유는 무엇일까요? 물이 더 많은 추운 지역에 두는 것이 더 낫지 않을까요? 

안타깝게도 이곳에서는 속도가 환경보다 우선시되는 경우가 많습니다. 데이터 센터를 인구가 많은 곳에 배치하는 것이 더 중요합니다. 사용자와 가까울수록 인터넷 서비스 응답 속도가 빨라집니다. 속도가 빠르다는 것은 더 많은 사용량을 의미하며, 이는 더 많은 디지털 광고와 클라우드 서비스 판매, 그리고 더 높은 수익을 의미합니다. 

피닉스 대도시 지역에는 5백만 명의 주민이 거주하고 있으며 빠르게 성장하고 있으므로 데이터 센터도 그 뒤를 따르고 있습니다. 물이 충분하지 않더라도요. 

구글, 마이크로소프트, 메타는 데이터 센터를 냉각할 수 있는 보다 지속 가능한 방법을 찾기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 또한 물 절약 프로젝트에 실질적인 비용과 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 하지만 무덥고 건조한 애리조나주의 현실을 극복하는 데는 한계가 있습니다.

Microsoft는 2021년에 애리조나 데이터 센터에서 물 대신 외부 공기를 사용하는 단열 냉각을 사용하여 냉각에 "물 제로"를 사용할 것이라고 말했습니다. 하지만 이는 기온이 85도 이하일 때만 작동합니다. 이번 주말 피닉스의 기온은 113F로, 하이킹을 하기에는 너무 더울 것으로 예상됩니다.

Protests flare near Paris after 17-year-old shot dead during police traffic stop

The 17-year-old boy shot in France has been identified by lawyers representing his family as "Naël M."

프랑스, 검문 피해 도주하던 10대 사살에 사흘째 과격 시위 

시위대, 인종차별·경찰과잉대응 비난…경찰서·시청 습격

마크롱 “총격은 잘못 맞지만, 폭력시위는 안 돼” 자제촉구

프랑스에서 교통 검문을 피해 도주하려다 경찰이 쏜 총에 맞은 10대가 숨진 사건에 대한 반발로 시작된 시위가 전국을 휩쓸고 있다.

블룸버그 통신 등에 따르면 이번 주 화요일인 27일(이하 현지시간)부터 시작된 시위는 3일 연속 이어지면서 폭동으로 번지고 있다. 29일 밤 시위대는 프랑스 곳곳에서 경찰서와 시청, 학교를 습격해 불을 질렀고 경찰은 150여 명을 체포했다.

프랑스 내무부는 시위 차단과 진압을 위해 29일 오전 파리 시내에 경찰 병력 5천 명을 투입하는 등 전국에 4만 명을 배치해 강력한 대응을 예고했다. 숨진 10대를 추모하는 행진이 진행된 파리 서쪽 외곽 낭테르에서는 “나엘을 위한 복수”라는 문구가 포착됐다.

사건은 27일 낭테르에서 시작됐다. 이날 오전 8시 30분쯤 낭테르의 한 도로에서 차를 몰던 나엘(17)은 경찰의 지시에 따라 차를 세웠으나 검문에 불응하고 다시 차의 시동을 건 후 출발했다.

그러자 차량 운전석 옆에 서 있던 두 명의 경찰관 중 한 명이 즉각 소지하고 있던 권총을 발사했고 총알은 나엘의 팔과 가슴을 관통했다.

경찰에 따르면, 당시 차량에는 나엘 외에 2명이 더 탑승하고 있었으며, 한 명은 사건 직후 경찰에 구금됐다가 풀려났고 다른 한 명은 도주했으며 현재까지 행방불명이다.

사건 당시 주변에 있던 한 시민이 스마트폰으로 촬영해 소셜미디어에 공개한 영상에는 경찰은 차를 세운 나엘에게 접근해 대화를 주고받았으며 한 명은 총으로 나엘을 겨누고 있다가 차가 급발진하자 총을 발사하는 장면이 담겼다.

차는 총이 발사된 후 수십 미터를 달려가다 기둥을 들이받고서야 멈췄으며 구급대원이 현장에 도착해 응급처치를 시도했으나 나엘은 현장에서 숨을 거둔 것으로 알려졌다.

경찰관 2명은 나엘이 위험하게 운전해 도로변으로 차를 세우도록 했으며, 구금하려 했으나 나엘이 거부하고 차를 출발시켰다고 말했다. 이들은 검찰 조사에서 위협을 느꼈으며 나엘이 차로 누군가를 치게 될 것이 우려됐다고 진술한 것으로 전해졌다.

검찰은 사건을 조사한 결과 당시 상황이 무기를 사용할 법적 요건을 충족하지 못했다는 결론을 얻었다고 밝혔다.

반면, 경찰관 측 변호인은 경찰관들이 법률에 따라 행동했으며, 피해자 유족이 이번 사건을 인종차별이라는 정치적 이슈로 비화시키려 하고 있다고 주장했다. 

More than 400 arrested as third night of violent protest sweeps France after 17-year-old shot dead by police

ParisCNN — 

More than 400 people were arrested across France on Thursday as a wave of protests swept the country for a third night following the fatal police shooting of a teenage boy that was captured on video.

France’s elite police force, the RAID, were deployed to the cities of Bordeaux, Lyon, Roubaix, Marseille and Lille, to help contain the protests.

Confrontations flared up between protesters and police in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre – where the 17-year-old named Nahel was killed days before – and in the southern port city of Marseille.

Amid burning debris, “vengeance pour Nael” appeared to be spray painted on a wall in Nanterre, which translates to “revenge for Nael” in reference to the slain teenager and using an alternative spelling of his name, according to footage from the suburb.

A bank was set on fire in Nanterre, according to photographs from the scene, and 15 people have been taken in for questioning by police after a march held in memory of the teenager turned violent.

Protesters threw fireworks at police officers in Marseille, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV, while footage from the northern city of Lille showed fires burning on streets and running riot police officers. Six people were taken in for questioning after participating in a protest banned by authorities in Lille, the regional authority said in a Facebook post.

At least 421 people were arrested in the protests across France from Thursday night into Friday morning, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told BFMTV.

More than half of those arrests took place in the Paris region, in the departments of Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, BFMTV reported, citing Paris police.

Earlier, Darmanin said police were instructed to “intervene systematically” and expressed support for the police officers and firefighters who “are doing a courageous job.”

President Emmanuel Macron will hold a crisis meeting Friday for the second day in a row following Thursday night’s violence, BFMTV reported.

Authorities had hoped to avoid a repeat of the scenes that played out Wednesday night, when police stations, town halls and schools were set alight in various cities and about 150 people were arrested. The Interior Ministry earlier said it planned on deploying 40,000 police officers across the country Thursday – including 5,000 in Paris – to quell any potential unrest.

The unrest broke out Tuesday, hours after a police traffic stop in Nanterre resulted in the killing of Nahel. Over the course of a chaotic night, 40 cars were burned and 24 police officers injured, French authorities claimed. The police officer was put under formal investigation for voluntary homicide and placed in preliminary detention, BFMTV reported Thursday.

On Thursday, an estimated 6,000 people, according to BFMTV, joined a march to honor Nahel led by his mother in Nanterre.

Many wore shirts emblazoned with “justice for Nahel,” while others shouted the slogan. Some were seen holding signs saying “the police kill.” A lawyer for the family on Thursday confirmed the spelling of the boy’s name as Nahel; he was initially identified as Naël.

Buses and tramways in Lille shut down after 8 p.m. local time, according to BFMTV, and a couple of Parisian suburbs have installed curfews.

The mother of 17-year-old Nahel, seen at left on a truck, gestures during a march on Thursday.

Bus and tram services were also suspended in the Île-de-France region, which includes Paris, from Thursday night, the local transport authority said. Government ministers were asked to postpone non-urgent travel and remain in Paris due to the protests, a government source told CNN on Thursday, speaking on condition of anonymity citing French professional norms.

The violent scenes seen over the past two days have raised concerns that Nahel’s death could lead to a level of unrest and rioting not seen since 2005, when the deaths of two teenage boys hiding from police sparked three weeks of rioting and prompted the government to call a state of emergency.

Anger at police brutality

The video of Nahel’s killing has sparked a similar level of shock and anger across France, touching a particular nerve among young men and women of color who feel that they have been discriminated against by police. A 2017 study by the Rights Defenders, an independent human rights watchdog in France, found that young men perceived to be Black or Arab were 20 times more likely to be stopped by police than their peers.

Many of these individuals are simply “tired,” journalist and racial equality activist Rokhaya Diallo told CNN.

“People know and have been speaking about police brutality and have not been heard,” she said.

The Algerian Foreign Ministry on Thursday extended its condolences to Nahel’s family, saying in a statement their “grief and sorrow are widely shared in our country” and that it will “closely follow the developments of this tragic case.”

The ministry said it trusts the French government to “carry out their duty to protect, assure peace of mind and security which Algerian nationals are entitled to in their host country.”

French media have reported that the teenager was of Algerian descent.

Video of the shooting in Nanterre surfaced on social media shortly after the incident took place Tuesday morning. The clip shows two police officers standing on the driver’s side of a yellow Mercedes AMG, one near the door and another near the left front fender. As the car attempts to drive away, one officer is seen firing his sidearm.

The bullet that hit Nahel pierced his arm and chest. After fleeing the scene, the car crashed into a stationary object at a nearby plaza. Nahel was in the car with two others at the time of the incident. One passenger in the vehicle was taken into custody and later released, while another, who is believed to have fled the scene, is missing, authorities said.

This screengrab from video posted on Twitter shows the moment when police interacted with a 17-year-old teen during a traffic stop in a Paris suburb.

The local Nanterre prosecutor, Pascal Prache, said Thursday that the officers testified both drew their weapons and pointed them at the driver to dissuade him from restarting the engine. The officer who fired his weapon said, according to the prosecutor, that he was scared the boy would run someone over with the car. However, Prache said it is believed the officer accused of shooting and killing Nahel may have acted illegally in doing so.

Lawyers for Nahel’s family slammed the decision not to pursue charges over alleged false statements, claiming the officer said in his initial declaration that “young Nahel had tried to run him over with the vehicle.” CNN has asked the French national police for a response to the allegations against the unnamed officer.

Police officers face protesters during clashes that broke out in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre on June 29.

Prache said that Nahel had been known to authorities for a previous “breach of rules,” but it is not clear what law or orders that pertains to. The teen was expected to appear before a juvenile court in September.

Laurent-Franck Lienard, the lawyer of the officer accused of shooting Nahel, told French radio station RTL that his client acted in “compliance of the law.”

In another interview with BFMTV, he said that any accusations his client lied in a statement were false as he had never made a written statement and that his verbal testimony did not contradict the facts.

He claimed his client’s prosecution was “political” and being used as a way to calm the violent tensions.

As to the deadly incident, Lienard said police officers had “struggled for 30 seconds” to detain the driver while the car had stopped. He added that his client feared for the safety of the public as the car had nearly hit pedestrians before the start of the video.

Lienard said his client was not the person in the video who shouted, “I’ll put a bullet in your head,” while also suggesting that might not have been what was said.

He added that his client was “devastated” by Nahel’s death and he did not want to kill him. “He committed an act in a second, in a fraction of a second. Perhaps he made a mistake, justice will tell,” Liénard said.

Protesters burn garbage bins and block a street during a protest in Paris on June 29.

Questions of racism

Macron and other government officials, including Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, have called for patience to allow the criminal justice system to run its course.

“We need calm for justice to carry out its work,” Macron said Wednesday. “We can’t allow the situation to worsen.”

Rallying public support and goodwill, however, is likely to be difficult for Macron’s government given how much political capital it spent in the first half of 2023 pushing through unpopular pension reforms, which sparked months of mostly peaceful mass protests.

Acknowledging the government’s massive unpopularity, Macron gave himself 100 days to heal and unite the country. That deadline is up on July 14, France’s national day.

Firefighters extinguish a fire at an office of French bank Credit Mutuel in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre on June 29, 2023.

Addressing allegations of institutional racism in France is particularly challenging given the country’s unique brand of secularism, which seeks to ensure equality for all by removing markers of difference, rendering all citizens French first. In practice, however, the vigorous adherence to French Republicanism often prevents the government from doing anything that would appear to differentiate French citizens on the basis of race, including collecting statistics.

Racial and religious data, where available, typically comes from private institutions, and extra care is typically taken by politicians to avoid circumscribing racial motives to state institutions.

A protester climbs on a building during clashes that broke out in Nanterre.

“On a general level, people tend to think there is no racism in France. And it’s one of the reasons people are so angry, because they feel and experience racism on a daily basis,” said Diallo, the anti-racism activist. “Despite that, they still face institutions, public discourse, and media which still say that there is no racism and that the race debate does not belong in France. And that’s the reason people are so angry and so outraged.”

Government officials have so far not broached questions of racism in the police. Leaders of opposition left-wing parties have focused their criticisms on police violence rather than racism. Government spokesman Olivier Veran told BFMTV that anger against the state itself, however, is unjustified.

“It is not the republic that killed this young man,” Veran said. “It is one man who must be judged if the justice system deems it necessary.”