2024년 11월 15일 금요일

50개 주요 도시에서 사회보장만으로 얼마나 오래 버틸 수 있을까?

대부분 미국 도시에서 사회 보장 수당은 기혼 부부에게 19일 또는 그 이하로 지급되었습니다.
주요 결과
사회보장 혜택은 6개 도시에서 10일 이내에 소진되었습니다. 캘리포니아 Irvine(6.73일); 캘리포니아 Fremont(7.02); 캘리포니아 San Jose(7.50); ​​San Francisco (7.91); Honolulu(8.32) 및 San Diego(9.59).
캘리포니아 도시가 목록을 지배했습니다(15). Irvine, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles and Anaheim 임을 포함한 7개 캘리포니아 도시가 상위 10위에 들었습니다.
Irvine에서 사회보장 혜택이 7일 이내에 소진되는 반면, 혜택이 가장 오래 지속되는 캘리포니아 도시는 Stockton 으로 최대 17.98일입니다.
마지막으로 마무리하는 것은 사회보장 혜택의 장수에 나쁜 일이 아닙니다. 플로리다 Saint Petersburg는 기혼 부부의 혜택이 소진될 때까지 19.38일이 남아 50위를 차지했습니다.

최근 데이터에 따르면 미국 주요 도시의 대부분에서 기혼 부부의 사회 보장 지급은 약 19일 또는 그 이하로 지속되며, 이는 대부분 지역에서 사회 보장 혜택에만 의존하면 한 달 분의 비용을 충당할 수 없다는 것을 의미합니다.

 특히 기혼 부부의 경우, 은퇴를 위해 사회 보장에만 의존하는 것은 심각하게 재고해야 할 수도 있습니다. GOBankingRates의 새로운 조사 결과에 따르면, 미국 주요 도시 50곳에서 사회 보장 수입은 한 달치의 생활비조차 충당하지 못합니다. 이러한 혜택은 기껏해야 19일까지 지속될 수 있지만, 이 도시 중 6곳에서는 10일 이내에 부족합니다.

GOBankingRates는 인구 기준으로 가장 큰 미국 도시 100곳을 분석하여 기혼 부부의 평균 사회 보장 수당을 사용하여 이 수입이 생활비와 비교했을 때 얼마나 큰지 평가했습니다.

최근 연구에 따르면 많은 미국 도시에서 사회 보장 수당은 기혼 은퇴자의 반달치 생활비도 충당하지 못하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 특히  Irvine, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, Honolulu, and San Diego를 포함한 6대 주요 도시는 사회 보장에서 가장 짧은 재정적 보장을 제공하며, GoBankingRates.com에 따르면 혜택은 6.73일에서 9.59일 사이에만 지속됩니다.

캘리포니아 Irvine은 혜택이 가장 짧은 도시로, 1주일치의 비용을 충당할 수 있으며, 부부의 월 생활비는 9,700달러를 넘습니다.

조사 결과에 따르면 캘리포니아는 사회 보장에만 의존하는 은퇴자에게 어려운 주이며, 혜택이 가장 짧은 상위 50개 도시에 15개 도시가 포함되었습니다.

사회 보장 보장이 가장 짧은 상위 10개 도시 중에서 캘리포니아는 7개 자리를 차지하여 주의 높은 생활비를 강조합니다. Irvine이 가장 비싼 도시로 꼽히는 반면, 캘리포니아  Stockton은 거의 18일로 주에서 가장 긴 보장 기간을 제공합니다. 하지만 이마저도 한 달치에는 훨씬 못 미칩니다.

스펙트럼의 반대편에서 플로리다주 Saint Petersburg는 분석된 50개 도시 중에서 사회 보장이 가장 오래 지속되는 도시로, 기혼 부부의 경우 19.38일에 이릅니다. 이는 Saint Petersburg의 생활비가 낮은 것을 반영하며, 월 비용이 1,584달러에 달합니다.

플로리다의 비교적 저렴한 생활비는 사회 보장 적용 범위가 여전히 한 달에 미치지 못하지만 은퇴자는 재정적 부담을 덜 받을 수 있음을 의미합니다.

GoBankingRates.com 연구에 따르면 캘리포니아와 플로리다 외에도 버지니아주  Arlington과 Seattle과 같은 도시도 사회 보장 적용 범위가 제한적이며 약 10~11일 정도만 지속됩니다. 월 비용이 5,307달러인  Arlington과 4,733달러인 Seattle은 모두 은퇴자가 사회 보장만으로 재정적 안정을 유지하는 데 어려움을 겪을 수 있는 고비용 지역입니다.

Honolulu는 상위 6위 안에 든 하와이의 유일한 대표주자로, 생활비가 높아 사회 보장 적용 범위가 8일 남짓으로 줄었습니다.

연구의 자세한 분석은 도시 간에 상당한 격차가 있음을 보여주며, 월 비용은  Irvine의 9,794달러에서 Saint Petersburg의 1,584달러까지 다양합니다. 애리조나 주 Gilbert와 텍사스 주 Austin과 같이 주택과 경비가 저렴한 도시조차도 약 16일 분의 보장을 제공하여 비용이 저렴한 도시에서도 은퇴자는 매달 기본 생활비를 충당하기 위해 추가 수입이 필요하다는 것을 보여줍니다.

궁극적으로 이 조사 결과는 미국 전역의 도시 지역에서 은퇴자가 직면한 긴급한 재정적 어려움을 보여줍니다. 생활비가 지속적으로 상승함에 따라 은퇴자는 사회 보장 혜택으로 인해 생긴 격차를 메우기 위해 대체 소득원이나 상당한 저축을 고려해야 하며, 특히 지출이 사회 보장이 제공하는 것보다 훨씬 더 빠른 도시에서는 더욱 그렇습니다.

1. Irvine, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 6.73
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $9,794
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $322

2. Fremont, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 7.02
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $9,279
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $305

3. San Jose, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 7.50
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $8,506
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $280

4. San Francisco

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 7.91
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $7,918
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $260

5. Honolulu

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 8.32
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $7,383
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $243

6. San Diego

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 9.59
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $6,040
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $199

7. Los Angeles

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 10.38
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $5,368
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $176

8. Arlington, Virginia

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 10.46
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $5,307
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $174

9. Anaheim, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.15
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,807
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $158

10. Seattle

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.26
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,733
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $156

11. Long Beach, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.34
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,681
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $154

12. Scottsdale, Arizona

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.37
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,662
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $153

13. Chula Vista, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.45
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,609
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $152

14. New York City

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.48
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,589
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $151

15. Oakland, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.81
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,385
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $144

16. Santa Ana, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.90
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,326
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $142

17. Santa Clarita, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 11.99
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,278
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $141

18. Boston

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 12.23
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $4,135
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $136

19. Washington, D.C.

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 13.21
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $3,626
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $119

20. Miami

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 14.05
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $3,242
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $107

21. Jersey City, New Jersey

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 14.18
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $3,187
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $105

22. Riverside, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 14.32
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $3,128
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $103

23. Denver

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 15.37
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,724
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $90

24. Gilbert, Arizona

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 15.61
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,639
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $87

25. Austin, Texas

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.14
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,461
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $81

26. Reno, Nevada

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.17
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,451
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $81

27. Portland, Oregon

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.18
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,447
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $80

28. Chandler, Arizona

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.52
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,341
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $77

29. Newark, New Jersey

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.69
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,288
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $75

30. Plano, Texas

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.91
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,221
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $73

31. Henderson, Nevada

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 16.92
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,219
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $73

32. Sacramento, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 17.04
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,182
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $72

33. Aurora, Colorado

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 17.13
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $2,156
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $71

34. Stockton, California

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 17.98
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,924
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $63

35. Boise, Idaho

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.01
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,917
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $63

36. Las Vegas

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.05
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,907
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $63

37. Anchorage, Alaska

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.18
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,872
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $62

38. Atlanta

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.22
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,861
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $61

39. Mesa, Arizona

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.42
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,812
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $60

40. Nashville, Tennessee

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.51
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,789
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $59

41. Raleigh, North Carolina

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.69
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,745
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $57

42. Colorado Springs, Colorado

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.74
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,734
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $57

43. Phoenix

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.83
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,713
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $56

44. North Las Vegas, Nevada

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 18.93
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,688
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $55

45. Virginia Beach, Virginia

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.00
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,672
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $55

46. Glendale, Arizona

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.00
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,672
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $55

47. Orlando, Florida

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.07
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,655
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $54

48. Chesapeake, Virginia

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.17
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,631
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $54

49. Madison, Wisconsin

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.20
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,625
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $53

50. Saint Petersburg, Florida

  • How many days Social Security will last a married couple each month: 19.38
  • Total monthly cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $1,584
  • Total daily cost of living for a couple (after Social Security benefits): $52

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