The author who was introduced as a former professor, sushi chef, and parking lot employee suffered from burnout (exhaustion due to work) and left his position as a theology professor at King's College in the United States. He lived a life that appeared to be the least related to his burnout, even though he lived it.
He became a young theologian he dreamed of, with high autonomy and security and a generous salary. However, he was unable to find meaning in his work. He gave hollow lectures in front of disinterested students. He spent all day in the laboratory, copying plagiarized answers. He was consumed by frustration. He suffered from unexplained pain. He decided to quit his job as a professor and found a paper on burnout and thought he could define his c예ondition with this term.
2)한국 대기업이 미국으로 몰려가고 있다. 2년간 미국에 투자하겠다고 발표한 금액은 1000억달러(약 127조원)를 넘었다. 미국의 자국 우선주의 정책 영향이 크지만 미국 정부가 ‘통 큰’ 기업지원제도를 통해 해외 기업을 빨아들이고 있다는 분석도 많다.
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